Finally……SoJanae Locs!

So after almost 10 years of wanting to I, FINALLY,  was able to take the Sisterlocks Certification Class!!! I know right super exciting!! Now I have to find new clients.  I have completed one new establishment that went very well.  I am still super excited for all the clients I have received just for re-tightening sessions. They have been amazing and I appreciate them so much.  I created my business FB page (@SoJanaeLocs) and IG page (@SoJanae_Locs) and they both have been the source of most of my clientele.  But I am determined to complete my 3 new establishments in order to become a CERTIFIED SISTERLOCK CONSULTANT!!

I have also taken out my own personal locs and rocking the no hair don’t care look.  Which I happen to really love!  Maybe in a few years I will be ready to rock locs again.  really been working on getting this weight off of me and no hair is easier to maintain right now.

Well until next time……


Loc Envy: My Green Eyed Monsters

So it has been 3 or 4 months since I took my locs out and I am so regretting that decision. My plan was to get my Sisterlocks ™ installed in March.  But it was my plan and not God’s plan.  That is not happening for a while.  So I have been looking at pictures of beautiful Sisterlocks ™ and I really adore all of the things that you can do with them.  They are so versatile!  I am going to save up and hopefully by next year I will be able to get my Sisterlock™ on! Lol!! 

HIS Faithfulness

This is something that I wrote back in May 2011 and I just wanted to share it here. I would like to have your feed back on it.

If HIS faithfulness endures forever, why is it that OUR faithfulness toward him is temporary?

Why is it dependent on how our funds are flowing or how much it’s showing outwardly.

GOD loves us even when we are not at our best.

When things are not going as we as “Christians” expect, we begin to blend with the rest of the world.

We are not supposed to blend but to stand out as a light of hope.

We are supposed to lead people to Jesus who is our light.

But yet when our days look gray and our nights begin to get longer and harder, we forget of HIS grace and HIS blood that covers all.

HIS blood that saved us from the gates of hell.

Though our faith in him constantly fades and reappears, he still gave up HIS life for us.

He showed the he had faith that we could be the people who would be worthy of his return.

He was tortured and beaten in order that we might have faith in what HIS Father has in store for us.

And yet he was denied by those that followed him when the going got a little rough.

He was betrayed when someone felt his pockets could use a little filling up.

And still HIS life he gave up!!!!


This is what we cry out when things are going our way.

But let that day start going shaky!!

Just let our car or our kids act up, Or let a love one pass away.

Then that phrase may go another way!!

“LORD WHY ME?” Wait…..why you??

You…because you are the chosen few!!

The ones chosen to tell of his wonders and HIS works.

You…..because he wants to you to show that you have faith in him.

Because it is you that cries out “LORD ALL TO YOU I GIVE!!!”

But you don’t want to give up your home, your car, your kids, and Lord forbid your MONEY!!!

That selfishness kicks in real fast and faithfulness falls off.

We should all be like Job who passed HIS test.

He was stricken from all that he had and but he praised God still.

He praised God through his storm.

We have to mean what we say. Don’t just say it to fit in.

God needs to see in our heart that we have true faith in him.

We need to have the same faith in Him that he has in us!!!

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

The Beauty of ME!

The Beauty of me is that no matter what the world tries to make me out to be I am still Unique.

I am a black, strong, confident woman of GOD.

My body may not be a size 2 but it fits me.

Beautiful, Intelligent, and wonderful me.

My God made me to be just that, ME.

To live my life as a testimony so that all can see the new ME.

Not the me that was drinking and hanging out all hours of the night doing who knows what.

Not the me that was fornicating and sinning left and right, living my life-like the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

The ME that is striving to be the woman who God intended me to be.

The Proverbs 31 woman, the woman like Ruth.

That shows the favor of the Lord in everything that she does.

The woman who shows her husband the respect that he needs and in return he gives her the love that she wants.

He does it all because of the Beauty of Me.

Because God saved ME.

Saved me so that my Children Might be Saved.

So that they can know the Lord Jesus Christ as there savior and know that if he can save the Horrid Mess that was ME, he can save them to.

Because that Old ME, died. This new ME is what remains.

Romans 6:18 Says “You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.” Then It continues Romans 6:20-23 “When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness. 21 What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death! 22 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in[b] Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Those Verses touched my SOUL, because that was me!!

I had done so many things that I was ashamed of yet I continued to be that slave that could not break the chains of the Sins that I was dragging with me.

Those same sins that almost killed me countless times.


His death showed me that all I had to do was trust him and believe and I could be FREE.

Free from all the guilty stains of my sinful life and Reborn in Christ Jesus!

He Died so that all could see what Beautiful things lie ahead for those who trust him and Follow his word.

I no longer have to be ashamed because I AM REDEEMED!!!

I was bought with the BLOOD OF the LAMB!!

Praise the Lord From who all blessings flow!!

By his blood the Beauty of ME was set FREE.


Lord its me again…..

The word of God says in 1 Corinthi­ans 10:13, No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. Lord I know that you can and will do all the things that you said that you would. Today I am feeling so stressed out and I know that it is nothing but the devil trying to steal my Joy. And I know that the Lord will provide and I am staying faithful and believing and standing on the Promises of Christ Jesus!!! God bless!